Saturday, April 25, 2015


M and I were very busy this afternoon. This morning Z and I went into Omaha to two people's homes who were donating raspberry and blackberry bushes to me. It was an all day project, as I had a low tire and had to go out of my way to fill the tire. Then both directions to both peoples houses were completely inaccurate... So I had to figure out my own way. This was done while the baby was tired and crabby. . .and thinking that it would take a very short amount of time, I did not pack lunch for either of us. By the time we got home it was 3:30 in the afternoon. After a very quick lunch, M and I went out to plant the berries. All total we have 16 black raspberries which were in the garden before, 21 red raspberries, and 12 thornless blackberries with an additional probable 6. By next summer, I hope to have lots of berries for Z to eat! I am so thankful to those people who contributed to my sore muscles and aching back :-)

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