Tuesday, April 14, 2015

what a weekend!

I bet you all wish you could have a weekend like mine. . .I got to sleep in, read a book, watching movie, and do no work! Well... at least that was in my dreams! Friday the girls were in a wedding and we were out of the house about 12 hours. Exhausted, we went to bed with me hoping to sleep in. And 5:30 saturday morning, B's alarm went off .Now, this is not a nice gentle bird chirping alarm. This was a blaring beeping noise. Startled, I could not get back to sleep. B thought he had things to do. I also ended up doing things because I couldn't sleep! I got out of bed after feeding the baby, watered my plants, (which incidentally a few days later were put out in the sun to grow better--not so leggy-- And the cats decided that the plants would make a wonderful place to sleep. So at this point, I'm not sure I have any plants left! )I started a little laundry , B and I carried a structure to use as a run out to the chickens because we had some rearranging and cleaning to do. I started chores, planted 2 rows of beets, hung some laundry ,read, wrote a letter, made meals, clean the house... well you get point! Saturday night I went to bed feeling exhausted but happy with my accomplishments, only to wake up to the baby throwing up . We ended up up staying home from church and resting. The girls played outside and it was a great day. Monday came and C and I were just slightly under the weather, and Z was still sick. We went through normal school day, and went to bed that night... only to wake up to B, G, and M throwing up. Now A is also sick. So the photo here is just a small example of what happens when you have 7 people in the house, haven't done a thing all weekend :-) (including folding laundry!) and have 6 people to take care of. I've decided the reason we call it weekend, is because we want the weekend to end! Through it all, I am once again reminded that to appreciate the life given me requires me to have to take a moment to reflect.  I don't have many moments, and consequence there are many times where I don't enjoy my life. However, after thinking about things this morning, in spite of doing laundry and taking care sick kiddos, I realize I do have so much to be thankful for. This life is exactly the life I wish to live. I wouldn't wish to be anywhere else. And I have to say that that that I'm thankful for the sunshine and fresh air and that we might have open windows, and for a washer and dryer! Now, if I can just find someone to come fold all of my laundry!

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