Friday, April 17, 2015

sheep, goat or wolf

Our sweet dog Harriet (otherwise known as Henrietta), is a sweet you can tell by this photo. Somewhere I made mention of the demon-dog and the goat-ear-eating dog. Well, this is her.  A real sheep on wolves clothing. What?! Well. .. Shepherds are suppose to  herd animals, so they might not like animals and might chase anything with four legs but there should be some sort of respect or desire to not kill it. At least that's what I use to think! One day C came running in almost in tears. Knowing how girls can exaggerate a bit (the size of a spider,for instance changes from a quarter size to one of epic size), when she told me our goat ,Lizzie's,ear was half torn off by the dog I didn't really get excited. To humor her, I walked out to the barnyard. Oh yes!!! Indeed. Sweet little Harriet was playing(I like to think) through the fence and Lizzie didn't like  it. Somehow ear and teeth made contact and the ear literally went flying across the yard! I'm glad someone didn't have their back turned and foumd themselves wacked on the back of the head with a bloody appendage! We've tried conditioning this sweet dog but under the sheeps clothing she must really be a wolf! Guess it goes to show you that you cannot trust everyone or thing that looks nice on the outside. Only God can really see our imsides. However, what is inside comes out. The heart of man is reflected on his face. That's why God said to clean the inside of the cup and THEN the outside will be clean also. Or why He said "by their fruits they will be known." I don't know about you, but while I can hide my sins from the general population ,usually my sins are found out by thoses closest to me. My children are quick to point them out. Thankfully they are also quick to forgove, as is my Father!

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