You've all heard tales about goats eating tin cans (totally false) and how they jump fences(totally true). Well, how do you keep your goat out of the road or the neighbor's field when she likes to jump? (PS. They will try to eat their fencing...) We tried everything
We staked Jane in the corral...she jumped over and about strangled herself. Goats have great memories and if you offend them they will not forget. So, thought I, why not scare the bejeebies out of her. We baited her while I snuck around the corner of the barn. When she jumped out I was ready. I had a sheet over my head (so she wouldn't remember ME) and yelled like a banshee flapping the sheet all over tarnation. I ran at her, of course trying not to keel over,dying of laughter). It didn't work. Who said goats are smart?! Plan B. Made a y-shaped branch into a collar over her neck. It hung between her legs so she would be off-balance. No luck. Tried a 10lb. weight hanging from it. Still she jumped and nearly impaled herself. We even tried getting Harriet...the mean goat-ear-eater German Shepherd to "herd" her. She ran toward the dog in fright instead of away. Even getting heels nipped she wouldn't go in the barn. I resorted to tying 2 foot pieces of sticks to the top of the fence, interspersed with milk jugs filled with stones. Figured the fence would be higher and the noise would spook her. We also put a solid piece of plywood at the door side of the fencing. They are currently trying to chew their way out. Why you want out when ghosts and goblins and banshees and demon dogs await you? I think there is a lesson in this for me! The grass is always greener on the other side. However ,I know what's on the other side of the goat's fence and I don't know what lays on the other side of my fence. God knows and he tries to give me rules and boundaries to keep me safe. In his perfect plan where I am is where I'm suppose to be. I should stop wanting over and enjoy the "quiet" waters I have here. Perhaps the water would be muddier on the other side. I don't need to fall into a trap that I cannot see. I'm afraid of banshees anyway! Psalm 16:2, 5-6 "You are my Lord; apart from you I have no good thing. Lord, you have assigned me my portion (what I do/don't have) and my cup; you have made my lot secure. The boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places. Surely I have a delightful inheritance."
As to the goat...Finally we had to get rid of her. There are no fences tall enough to keep a dog out or a goat in. However, the new buck barn fencing works great in lieu of a playyard! One day the girls and I sat out there and just let Z roam to her content. And I didn't have to chase her. If it doesn't work for the goats maybe I could start a daycare! (Joking...100%!)
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