you will read this and either be glad you don't live on a farm or wish you did live on a farm! this happened last year. We had a baby goat born whom we named butch. I don't have to tell you that we named him Butch because he was headed to the butcher! This goat was born with a gimpy leg. Since he was a single, not having brothers and sisters, being sociable and needing companionship, we brought him into the house. At the same time, baby Zahra was also newborn. Butch wanders all over the house. Unlike his two brothers from last year, who would come back to the hay box the potty, he potties wherever he is. To make life easier for me, I fit butch with cheap disposables - and cut the bottom out of Zahra's pants ( like Chinese pants) so that I could easily potty her. hopefully all of this will yield one creature who's potty trained!
That's what I wrote last Feb. Now I have 2 new goats...thankfully in the barnyard and one daughter who goes most days without a diaper! I do believe this qualifies me to say I am on the road to thriving.
I'm learning that sometimes we try to measure success too quickly. In parenting anyway, it's like a long game of Risk. You can't tell if you're winning or loosing on a play by play (or in this case day by day) basis. You pray and work and try-try again. One day you wake up and realize they haven't wet the bed or (if we could be so lucky) picked their nose for days!
Success in most areas is a matter of time. So...back to school now. Let's see if we get some more success with that. OR maybe we'll work on baby's discipline issues. By the time she's 10 I shouldn't need the time out chair. Keep on keeping on! Or as Bill likes to say: keep your stick on the ice!
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