Tuesday, April 7, 2015

are we in the city or the country?

Are we in the city or the country? Well...that question would seem simple to answer. But my answer is "it depends!" For instance, we have some friends who lived on an old neighborhood of Omaha. In fact the very same neighborhood that Pop lived in during the 40-50's. It is on a busy street. So...to back up...we had a wether (male neutered goat) that we were giving to some friends of ours. We live an hour SE of Omaha and they live an hour NW of town. We decided it made the most sense to meet half way. So...we packed the full sized goat in the back of the minivan along with lunch and 4 kiddos and me. We drove to town but got there early...hense the stopover at our friend's house.  We pulled up and let Henry out to graze, investigate and hopefully piddle. You would think that a goat on a leash is something to gawk at! People stopping on the road to point and laugh and ask us if it was a real goat ( not sure what a fake one lools like!) I guess they wondered if we were from the country! Or maybe WHICH country!  After a time we loaded him back on (he didn't potty either). We made the rest of the uneventful trip to my chiropractor's office parking lot. It happens to be on an even busier street and next to lunch time restaurant traffic. My friend was there so I proceeded to unload the goat. Only by this time he had wet all over and was slippery. The two of us rather small ladies worked for an exhausting bit to get wet, slippery Henry into the back of her pickup with a topper. That was one messy job. I am also quite sure that those eating lunch may have been snorting too hard to eat...watching little ole me in a skirt manhandling a very frightened white(turned yellow) goat! So...is that country or city?! I don't know if I even have an answer...only that this is my life and it sure beats a boring life in town. I think maybe remembering these stories helps me to laugh a bit more, look for the humor in every day life and...thrive!!!

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