Thursday, April 30, 2015

busy little bees

 I love to have things to do to keep me busy. Most of the time I'd like to work. But there are times I feel like God created rest for a reason. I'm just too busy to figure it out. God created work. He also created the need to rest. I think  that I need a day of rest. When God worked for 6 days to create the earth, he rested. Yes, he did enjoy his work because he rejoicing what he had made and what he has done. But, he still took a day to rest. I have been very busy doing school, reading with the girls, watering and what not with animals, trying to declutter my house, take care of the baby, feed the family, grocery shop, laundry! The point is that while I like to work, I think I need to take more time to reflect on the wonderful day and my wonderful children, and my wonderful husband, and lovely place that we live. What good is living in the country if I can't stop and enjoy it? It wasn't very long ago that I had only one child and she was a baby in my arms. Out children grow to quickly, and we forget this because life takes over. There is so much to do, there are so many things that are good to do, important to do, necessary even. But the first job I have been given is the job of taking care of family and worshiping Him. For me to do both of those I think I need to take more time to rest.  I have 12 different plant for the garden started, and 20-30 berries to . Ending, and strawberries and need meeting, and maybe critters I need to remind myself that I also can I have 5 baby critters are growing quickly and leave me. Not only do they need me for clean clothes clean house and food but they need me for emotional growth and spiritual growth. What good is it to raise physically healthy children, is there not ready to leave the world and I and be responsible, caring, and moral.
 Z and M busy eating and making mess for mama.
Z busy chasing the ducks.

C busy taking portraits of the others for my wall.
What I don't have a pix of is A and I giving the goats a haircut...if you've ever tried shaving a small boy's head you have about 1/10 of the wiggles and muscles that a goat puts into fighting hair is definitely a 2-3 man job!

Oh. And although I am so busy we are having homemade rabbit Tetrazzini for supper...a good way to use up rabbit and goat milk ;) 

Saturday, April 25, 2015


M and I were very busy this afternoon. This morning Z and I went into Omaha to two people's homes who were donating raspberry and blackberry bushes to me. It was an all day project, as I had a low tire and had to go out of my way to fill the tire. Then both directions to both peoples houses were completely inaccurate... So I had to figure out my own way. This was done while the baby was tired and crabby. . .and thinking that it would take a very short amount of time, I did not pack lunch for either of us. By the time we got home it was 3:30 in the afternoon. After a very quick lunch, M and I went out to plant the berries. All total we have 16 black raspberries which were in the garden before, 21 red raspberries, and 12 thornless blackberries with an additional probable 6. By next summer, I hope to have lots of berries for Z to eat! I am so thankful to those people who contributed to my sore muscles and aching back :-)

Thursday, April 23, 2015

you know you're in the country when. . .

...the neighbor can't get the dog to come, so they take two adults to lift him into the back of an old junky pickup and 1 adult to sit with him to keep him in it while they drive home.

...when you have baby rabbits in a box in the oven, and bottle fed rabbits in a cage in the mud room, and two  goats in a crate in the mudroom, I think you're in the country!

...when you walk back from the goat barn to find an chicken pecking at something on the trail. Come to find out it's an owl pellet. We brought it into the house, and dissected it and looked at each bone. And to think! Most people pay money to get an owl pellet to dissect. Maybe you should come to my house more often!

...when your children decide they want to have a skull collection. So far we have a bird skull and goat's skull, a mouse and a mole skull, & a turkey and turtle skeleton. Everybody wanted to know does a mouse animal skeleton look the same? You'll have to come to my house to find out!

...when your daughter comes limping up to the house with blood dripping down her foot. She was standing on a stake, trying to keep the duck door open, and the stake went through her new rubber muck boots and into her foot. She has a nice puncture wound, which 12 hours later was all swollen and in need of medical assistance and possibly a tetanus shot.


you know you're in the country when you walk into the house after once a month shopping trip to Walmart lugging the groceries in with you. The dog is sniffing the food, the baby is taking food out of the bags, and your tracking in mud and straw with you. At the same time G came in to tell me that the baby rabbits we're starving and we needed to bring them inside. At the same time my aunt Jo called to talk to me. I haven't talked to her for 2 years. Why did she have to call at this very moment when all of life was in an uproar?! She kept asking me is this a good time? Well honestly, I'm not sure that there's ever a good time! Yes, indeed, this is pretty much my day everyday! So, while we were trying to carry on a conversation, G brought in the baby rabbits and put them in a box. Meanwhile, I had warmed up the oven, and we put the box in the oven. Not too far into my phone conversation, I hear an awful, blood curdling scream. One of the baby rabbits had managed to climb-blind, hairless, and unassisted -out of the box and onto the hot oven floor. His nose was burned, his paws were burned, and he was shaking. Poor baby! By this point in my conversation, I think my aunt had had enough of my life and told me she would call later! Good idea! Try calling in about 20 years! Good news, bad news. Good news is I have lots of homemade plantain lotion and we were able to heal the baby rabbit of his injuries. Bad news, in the long run six of the eight baby bunnies were too young and too weak to make it. The two remaining were healthy and thriving and we were able to sell them to some friends  for pets for their children. They will have a good life and they will thrive in spite of their struggle to survive early on. As for me... I think I will save phone conversations for a day when I'm doing a little more than surviving! so if I don't call you, please forgive me. It's not that I don't care, it's that I'm busy rescuing all of the baby animals ans my children on the farm.

Monday, April 20, 2015


This week we are doing chores for a friend. She has a hard time finding someone to care for her chickens and her baby chicks. Imagine how difficult it is for us, then ,to find help for ducks, chickens, turkeys, rabbits, cats, dogs, goats, especially if they are milking.

we currently have one doe who is milking, and giving us almost a full gallon in one milking. The other doe should have her babies soon. That's a lot of milk to be creative with. For instance, this week I've made tapioca pudding twice, vanilla pudding once, lots of milk based soups, and soft cheese twice. Soft goat cheese is a treat! I add a little olive oil and spices and salt and spread it on toast. I also plan to use it as ricotta this week...if it lasts that long!

so now that we have new goats we need to find names. . .Now if you know us, as a school-teaching family, you can't just pick any name! All of our animals have had quite the great names... For instance, our first cats were Charles Dickens, Anne Shirley, and Mercy Watson, after the children's book character. Our old dog was Napoleon Bonaparte, our new dog is Harriet Tubman. We've had ducks and turkeys named Isabel, Ferdinand, Columbus, Nina, Santa Maria... Our goats now are Benjamin Franklin, Elizabeth Blackwell, aka Lizzy, and Millie McCoy, aka Millie. Her new little doeling that we are keeping is named Olive Oatman. Both Millie and Olive have fascinating history behind the names. The real Millie Mccoy was a Siamese twin slave back in the 1800's. Olive Oatman  was a white Mormon girl who was kidnapped by the Mohave Indians and had some beautiful Indian tattoos on her chin. Fitting since Olive will grow up to have a beard! (of course we do have a few animals around with normal names like: Buttercup- from the movie-, Baby Eny, Timber and Jewel!)

As with all of my childrens names, picking names can a lot of fun. For those who were around me when I was growing up, one of my favorite things to do was to play the game of Life with my brothers and having two car loads full of kids ,each one of them named! I think it drove my brothers crazy! :-)

we sold two rabbits not long ago and I talked with the woman today. One of the rabbits was given a very unique name by her 7 year old daughter. His name is Hip Hop!

while each of the animals names have been picked after famous historical characters, my children's names were picked from family names and qualities that I wanted to instill in them. My first child 's name came from two of my great grandmothers names combined. Her name means fragrant rose, as in a fragrant sacrifice to God. The second child was named after my grandmother, with the meaning chased and pure. The third daughter child was named after my best friend and both of my grandmothers middle names. That name means "God's grace given in the home teaching us to look ahead and not behind". Very apropos considering the condition of our relationship at that time. The fourth child has part of my grandmother's name in addition to the fact that she was named after a young woman in Egypt who was murdered for her faith. Her name means bitter light and grace ,as in life can be bitter but God's grace leads us to the light. The last little one was named after some very special friends of ours from Kuwait. she also has a name that means the same as my husband's mom, and it means the same as my name. The name means princess who has made an oath to God.

I'm currently reading a book about the names of God. It's quite fascinating to see how many different names the Bible uses for him... Provider, protector, healer, Almighty...

Often we use words or pick names, (or call each other names) and don't really think about what they mean. Words have the power to injure or to heal. How often in the heat of the moment do I think to put some honey in my mouth , that my words would be sweet and edifying... Instead of harsh and demeaning? The two good things about growing old are that 1)you can change your hair color and 2)you have à little more insight into life. At least I hope so!

 I'm going to go set a pretty bowl of honey out on my window sill and see if I can catch some flies with it. (Actually I have seen fruit flies that need catching too, so maybe it's a two-for-one special!)

Friday, April 17, 2015

sheep, goat or wolf

Our sweet dog Harriet (otherwise known as Henrietta), is a sweet you can tell by this photo. Somewhere I made mention of the demon-dog and the goat-ear-eating dog. Well, this is her.  A real sheep on wolves clothing. What?! Well. .. Shepherds are suppose to  herd animals, so they might not like animals and might chase anything with four legs but there should be some sort of respect or desire to not kill it. At least that's what I use to think! One day C came running in almost in tears. Knowing how girls can exaggerate a bit (the size of a spider,for instance changes from a quarter size to one of epic size), when she told me our goat ,Lizzie's,ear was half torn off by the dog I didn't really get excited. To humor her, I walked out to the barnyard. Oh yes!!! Indeed. Sweet little Harriet was playing(I like to think) through the fence and Lizzie didn't like  it. Somehow ear and teeth made contact and the ear literally went flying across the yard! I'm glad someone didn't have their back turned and foumd themselves wacked on the back of the head with a bloody appendage! We've tried conditioning this sweet dog but under the sheeps clothing she must really be a wolf! Guess it goes to show you that you cannot trust everyone or thing that looks nice on the outside. Only God can really see our imsides. However, what is inside comes out. The heart of man is reflected on his face. That's why God said to clean the inside of the cup and THEN the outside will be clean also. Or why He said "by their fruits they will be known." I don't know about you, but while I can hide my sins from the general population ,usually my sins are found out by thoses closest to me. My children are quick to point them out. Thankfully they are also quick to forgove, as is my Father!

growing up

I thought I was all grown up. As it turns out, I have so far to go! Remember when your kids were little and it was time to go for a walk, or walk across the parking lot or the street, and you needed them to hold your hand? remember how they pull and fight and don't want any part of it, because they know what's right and what's best? you know better than them what they need. But they don't think so! not only does that happen everyday here with things like... time to take a nap, I need you need to eat this, don't stand on the couch or write on the walls, or in holding my hand to cross the street, but now it is also happening with my teenagers as well. As a baby bird tries to hatch from her egg, she pecks at anything in the way. Sometimes what stands in the way of her flying the nest is mama. Mama needs to learn when to step up and stand her ground, and when to move off the nest, and maybe even give them a push! (Of course only when the time is right and not every time you feel like it and they get in your way or in your space!)My girls are very good girls ,but as with all teenagers they need to spread their wings. It could be in simple ways like trying to be forceful in their opinions, how they reorganized my house, what they want to do with their time, or where they want to go, or what they don't want to do. it's a mixed blessing. this is as it is supposed to be, but it doesn't make it any less difficult. it's like going into labor with a child. It's the way it's supposed to be, but it hurts like anything. Eventually, the pains subside and you have a beautiful new being. The same is true for teenagers. Some day, if they listen to reason and wisdom, they will become beautiful beings. In the meantime it hurts for them,  and it hurts for me. I am also realizing how often I do the same thing to the Lord. So often I have my ideas and my ways and I think that this must be the right way to do things, or the right way to go. I wonder how often he humors me, and smiles gently at my mistakes? And how often he wants to forces me to hold his hand? I wonder if he looks at me and wonders when I will grow up? How long will this take? Or does he gently hold me in his arms and carry me and continued to whisper to me telling me the way to go? I hope that I caused him as little grief as my girls have done thus far, and that I can be as patient with my girls as he is patient with me! That I can learn to be patient and let them make mistakes and spread their wings.  That they will be quicker to learn to listen to wisdom and instruction than I am!

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

what a weekend!

I bet you all wish you could have a weekend like mine. . .I got to sleep in, read a book, watching movie, and do no work! Well... at least that was in my dreams! Friday the girls were in a wedding and we were out of the house about 12 hours. Exhausted, we went to bed with me hoping to sleep in. And 5:30 saturday morning, B's alarm went off .Now, this is not a nice gentle bird chirping alarm. This was a blaring beeping noise. Startled, I could not get back to sleep. B thought he had things to do. I also ended up doing things because I couldn't sleep! I got out of bed after feeding the baby, watered my plants, (which incidentally a few days later were put out in the sun to grow better--not so leggy-- And the cats decided that the plants would make a wonderful place to sleep. So at this point, I'm not sure I have any plants left! )I started a little laundry , B and I carried a structure to use as a run out to the chickens because we had some rearranging and cleaning to do. I started chores, planted 2 rows of beets, hung some laundry ,read, wrote a letter, made meals, clean the house... well you get point! Saturday night I went to bed feeling exhausted but happy with my accomplishments, only to wake up to the baby throwing up . We ended up up staying home from church and resting. The girls played outside and it was a great day. Monday came and C and I were just slightly under the weather, and Z was still sick. We went through normal school day, and went to bed that night... only to wake up to B, G, and M throwing up. Now A is also sick. So the photo here is just a small example of what happens when you have 7 people in the house, haven't done a thing all weekend :-) (including folding laundry!) and have 6 people to take care of. I've decided the reason we call it weekend, is because we want the weekend to end! Through it all, I am once again reminded that to appreciate the life given me requires me to have to take a moment to reflect.  I don't have many moments, and consequence there are many times where I don't enjoy my life. However, after thinking about things this morning, in spite of doing laundry and taking care sick kiddos, I realize I do have so much to be thankful for. This life is exactly the life I wish to live. I wouldn't wish to be anywhere else. And I have to say that that that I'm thankful for the sunshine and fresh air and that we might have open windows, and for a washer and dryer! Now, if I can just find someone to come fold all of my laundry!

Friday, April 10, 2015

6 Brides for 6 Bro

Have you seen the movie Seven Brides for Seven Brothers? Well this was a day for 6 brides for 6 brothers. Today my psuedo- daughter got married, and the five girls were in the wedding. Two Jr. Bridesmaids and two flower girls. The day started by leaving the house at 9:45. Had lunch together, girls got their hair done, went to the church. Thankfully the baby took a nap. The rest of the day was spent visiting , putting on make up, getting dressed, eating supper, and getting pictures taken. Watching each of the 5 walking down the aisle was such a proud moment. They all looked so beautiful, and what's more is that each of them love the Lord. We were so glad to share in Katie's day but as 9:30 rolls around we all just want our bed. A long day, but definitely a day to thrive!

Thursday, April 9, 2015

still in the country!!

You've all heard tales about goats eating tin cans (totally false) and how they jump fences(totally true). Well, how do you keep your goat out of the road or the neighbor's field when she likes to jump? (PS. They will try to eat their fencing...) We tried everything
 We staked Jane in the corral...she jumped over and about strangled herself. Goats have great memories and if you offend them they will not forget. So, thought I, why not scare the bejeebies out of her. We baited her while I snuck around the corner of the barn. When she jumped out I was ready. I had a sheet over my head (so she wouldn't remember ME) and yelled like a banshee flapping the sheet all over tarnation. I ran at her, of course trying not to keel over,dying of laughter). It didn't work. Who said goats are smart?! Plan B. Made a y-shaped branch into a collar over her neck. It hung between her legs so she would be off-balance. No luck. Tried a 10lb. weight hanging from it. Still she jumped and nearly impaled herself. We even tried getting Harriet...the mean goat-ear-eater German Shepherd to "herd" her. She ran toward the dog in fright instead of away. Even getting heels nipped she wouldn't go in the barn. I resorted to tying 2 foot pieces of sticks to the top of the fence, interspersed with milk jugs filled with stones. Figured the fence would be higher and the noise would spook her. We also put a solid piece of plywood at the door side of the fencing. They are currently trying to chew their way out. Why you want out when ghosts and goblins and banshees and demon dogs await you? I think there is a lesson in this for me! The grass is always greener on the other side. However ,I know what's on the other side of the goat's fence and I don't know what lays on the other side of my fence. God knows and he tries to give me rules and boundaries to keep me safe. In his perfect plan where I am is where I'm suppose to be. I should stop wanting over and enjoy the "quiet" waters I have here. Perhaps the water would be muddier on the other side. I don't need to fall into a trap that I cannot see. I'm afraid of banshees anyway! Psalm 16:2, 5-6 "You are my Lord; apart from you I have no good thing. Lord, you have assigned me my portion (what I do/don't have) and my cup; you have made my lot secure. The boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places. Surely I have a delightful inheritance."

As to the goat...Finally we had to get rid of her. There are no fences tall enough to keep a dog out or a goat in. However, the new buck barn fencing works great in lieu of a playyard! One day the girls and I sat out there and just let Z roam to her content. And I didn't have to chase her. If it doesn't work for the goats maybe I could start a daycare! (Joking...100%!)

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

lessons from baby

When you watch a new baby goat you see how quickly they depend on mama and how they run to her for all their needs. Mama on the other hand gives up all for them. She stops eating or sleeping to feed them when they cry. A mother hen will sit on her eggs for 28 days , never getting off to eat or drink or poop. She looses about half of her weight, ensuring that the eggs stay warm and viable.  How can animals, not made in the image of God, be so much smarter than us?! It sure is easy to get selfish with my time and think about what is best for me and how I "just need a break"! However I have learned about life, not just from animals but from my own children as well.  There is a verse: "where can I go from your presence? Where can I flee..." The answer is nowhere if you have a baby! I was praying that God would show me his nearness in a way I could understand. He reminded me of Z's "Mommy radar". If mama walks out of the room or leaves her in the car with sis... Although she may be sound asleep...within seconds she is awake. Lay her down...although deeply sleeping...awake again. Inch off of the bed...awake again. She is in constant contact with me and feels my nearness. She craves and misses it when it's gone. She keeps her radar on 24-7. If I'm not there, her world is all wrong. Do I feel this way regarding my relationship with God? Is my world OK without his presence? Or do I collapse without him?  Do I maintain a 24-7 relationship with him? John 3:29... am I full of joy at the sound of his voice , like my child is at the sound of MY voice?

are we in the city or the country?

Are we in the city or the country? Well...that question would seem simple to answer. But my answer is "it depends!" For instance, we have some friends who lived on an old neighborhood of Omaha. In fact the very same neighborhood that Pop lived in during the 40-50's. It is on a busy street. back up...we had a wether (male neutered goat) that we were giving to some friends of ours. We live an hour SE of Omaha and they live an hour NW of town. We decided it made the most sense to meet half way. So...we packed the full sized goat in the back of the minivan along with lunch and 4 kiddos and me. We drove to town but got there early...hense the stopover at our friend's house.  We pulled up and let Henry out to graze, investigate and hopefully piddle. You would think that a goat on a leash is something to gawk at! People stopping on the road to point and laugh and ask us if it was a real goat ( not sure what a fake one lools like!) I guess they wondered if we were from the country! Or maybe WHICH country!  After a time we loaded him back on (he didn't potty either). We made the rest of the uneventful trip to my chiropractor's office parking lot. It happens to be on an even busier street and next to lunch time restaurant traffic. My friend was there so I proceeded to unload the goat. Only by this time he had wet all over and was slippery. The two of us rather small ladies worked for an exhausting bit to get wet, slippery Henry into the back of her pickup with a topper. That was one messy job. I am also quite sure that those eating lunch may have been snorting too hard to eat...watching little ole me in a skirt manhandling a very frightened white(turned yellow) goat! that country or city?! I don't know if I even have an answer...only that this is my life and it sure beats a boring life in town. I think maybe remembering these stories helps me to laugh a bit more, look for the humor in every day life and...thrive!!!

Sunday, April 5, 2015

Easter morning

Happy Easter.  Most of you probably started out the morning either leisurely and quietly or hectically helping the kids do an easter egg hunt.  My morning, too, started out on the hectic side. For most of you ,having one bathroom and 6 girls would push you over the edge of sanity. Well I admit there are times where I feel like I am Alice in Wonderland. There are times where I wish I had a magic potion that could either make me smaller or the house bigger. Actually, today was not one of those times. We became members of our church this am and had to get there in time.  No slidding into pews at the last second as is usual with 5 kids and farm chores. So...while I curled A's hair for her, she dried my hair and painted my toes. Of course this meant that everyone else had to walk...or crawl...around us! And we made it to church early...good thing, as it was so full we couldn't sit in our usual pew...and fortunately we even found a place where we could all sit together!

Friday's gone and Sunday's here! (Youtube 'its friday but sunday's coming') Happy Resurrection!

Friday, April 3, 2015

life on the farm

you will read this and either be glad you don't live on a farm or wish you did live on a farm! this happened last year. We had a baby goat born whom we named butch. I don't have to tell you that we named him Butch because he was headed to the butcher! This goat was born with a gimpy leg. Since he was a single, not having brothers and sisters, being sociable and needing companionship, we brought him into the house. At the same time, baby Zahra was also newborn. Butch wanders all over the house. Unlike his two brothers from last year, who would come back to the hay box the potty, he potties wherever he is. To make life easier for me, I fit butch with cheap disposables - and cut the bottom out of Zahra's pants ( like Chinese pants) so that I could easily potty her. hopefully all of this will yield one creature who's potty trained!

That's what I wrote last Feb. Now I have 2 new goats...thankfully in the barnyard and one daughter who goes most days without a diaper! I do believe this qualifies me to say I am on the road to thriving.

 I'm learning that sometimes we try to measure success too quickly. In parenting  anyway, it's like a long game of Risk. You can't tell if you're winning or loosing on a play by play (or in this case day by day) basis. You pray and work and try-try again. One day you wake up and realize they haven't wet the bed or (if we could be so lucky) picked their nose for days!

Success in most areas is a matter of time. So...back to school now. Let's see if we get some more success with that. OR maybe we'll work on baby's discipline issues. By the time she's 10 I shouldn't need the time out chair. Keep on keeping on! Or as Bill likes to say: keep your stick on the ice!

Thursday, April 2, 2015

welcome to my world!

so I'm new to this. I guess I just entered the 21st century! my hope is that I can keep family and friends updated on our crazy life .I think it'll be easier than trying to text everybody individually.

  so today started out as usual .kids fighting. baby crying .chores needing to be done .breakfast to be made .seems like life falls apart in the first 5 minutes ...especially when I didn't pick up the house last night .had a killer headache and went to bed leaving the dishes undone .so this morning I'm trying to survive .I'll hoping we get to thrive part later on!!

I think this is Just our life.  whether we have 2 kids or five kids it seems like the jobs are always there ...along with the guilt .I had a great talk with one of my best friend the other day. we were talking about guilt and how as a mother she feels guilty all the time. always leaving something undone ,always leaving someone out, knowing you should have been better, should have done something different . this stress itself can be exhausting (let alone our tasks. And hobbies... What are those?!) I read in a devotional the other day about the word " overwhelmed" and that when we know that God has given us our life as it is, we shouldn't be using the word "overwhelmed". We make our kids be careful with what they say and how they act and then we give ourselves license! our kids get in trouble for using the words stupid or dumb(or worse) and yet we turn around and then we use the word overwhelmed. As in:" I feel so overwhelmed".  and it's true .I feel overwhelmed a lot, but I think a lot of it is in perspective. this is my life. this is the life God has given me . he has given me the resources (if I am to thrive and not just survive ).

so that's my goal for the rest of this life , for the rest of this week, for the rest of today .I'm hoping to try to focus on the fact that in 20 minutes this problem will probably dissipate; and in the meantime try to keep looking up at the true author of joy so that I might thrive and fly on those wings as eagles that were promised but seem so elusive.