Every year in the past few C has made all of our bday cakes. What am I to do without her here for the rest of my life? So...we decided to bring birthday to her! We are all excited, as its been 6 weeks since we've seen her. 6 weeks is only half the summer, but when its over it will be 1/6 of Z's life. Will she remember C?
We've been trying to get Z to say C's name...to no avail. She will say everyone else's name though! The other day she was in the pack and play, saying "out!" and trying to climb out. She started by calling for me. I didnt come but A walked by...calling for her didn't work either!
So up by 7 and on the road by 7:20. We got here by 10:20.
First the hugs. M was out before the car even stopped!! Z actually went to C...just a little shy!
Next...business. We looked at all the animals and settled 5 of our baby kitties in their new home and got our mini rex into his cage. Now for the goat hooves. The hooves of all goats need to be trimmed regularly, but these have never been done. A and C played ferrier.
We shooed mama pig out and watched the baby pig wallowing in her water... Eventually heading to Taco Bell for lunch. Z took a short nap and now we are at the laundromat. C has no way of doing laundry and having done it only once after having been at camp....you can imagine how desperatly she needed this. Showers only count for so much...
While we wait for laundry to finish up B was ever the fixer...fixed a hole in C's boots and the laundromat chair. C told storiea and we pushed the girls in the roller basket and C taught them line dances. Great fun!!
We drove back to camp and while B slept we went down to the lake. The older 4 kyaked and Z and I played in the water. When B joined us he took Z and I on a canoe while the girls followed, oarless by choice.
At 5 we gave C some home made cookies, cheese sticks and yogurts and gave her more dessert for her dinner-movie evening. She was thrilled with home made food.
What a great birthday. I can only recall 2 other birthdays...this one definitely makes the memory book!!
The pixs are of B fixing a hole in her boot, wster play, line dancing and hanging out at laundromat, and C with Z.