Wednesday, May 6, 2015

hen- pecked

No...I am not talking about B!! I am talking about the animals. The word "hen-pecked" takes on new meaning when you have hens.

 a rooster will pick his favorite few hens, leaving the rest alone.  boy I'm telling you, the hens that the rooster likes are missing a great majority of their feathers on the back of the head and neck. They are hen-picked.

I did not know, however ,that ducks will do the same thing. Who knew that ducks could inflict fatal wounds on a poor, small drake? They were merciless. And poor Columbus succumbed to the cold and the loss of blood, feathers and pride.

I guess it's true that the smaller, weaker ones-both people or animals- are picked on and teased. Both humans and animals have the capability of cruelty. Only humans can choose to mercy and love. Guess that makes us quite high up on the food chain...good thing because I think we should have duck for dinner!

turkeys and turkey prayers

we have turkeys! these are beautiful black and white heirloom turkeys! We were so excited when we got our first pair. After having them for a few days we decided to let them out so they could free range. Wouldn't you know the turkeys were wild enough that they took off! All of us chased the turkeys around all of our fields, under the pine trees, across the road, and into the neighbors field over the course of the next two days. How difficult should it be to find a black and white turkey in dead brown grass? Actually, it was very difficult to see! At one point, we almost stepped on the turkey! And of course she got away.

Well, the next morning after we decided to give up the chase, we were talking about prayer and how we can talk to God about what concerns us. So we prayed about finding the hen. We found the Tom and saw the hen that day but couldn't catch her. Thankfully we had had the talk about prayer, because that night M had crossed eyes and they just wouldn't straighten out. Her vision was double and it was very frustrating to her. When she went to bed she prayed that God would help her eyes to straighten out and "it worked".  She was so excited.  Now I was upset that God didn't bring Isabel back as an answer to prayer.  He had a bigger plan because we were able to talk about prayer and what it means for the girls in their lives every day. God's bigger plan was that we have this conversation and see answered prayer for M before the next day came

. . . Isabel showed up at the coop the next day! Sure gives a good meaning to the phrase "wild goose chase." It's about impossible! For sure! And, FYI, the turkey will lose all 18 her tail feathers if you grab her! Ask me how I know...!!